Informational Interview Letter

Below is a sample letter requesting an informational interview.

April 5, 2018
Sabrina P. Garland
Executive Vice President
Alexander Development Corporation
123 Parkway
Norwich, CT 06845

Dear Ms. Garland:

Andy Hawkins referred you to me because of your innovative financial planning work in waterfront developments. I have been primarily involved with shopping center development until now, but I would like to make a transition to waterfront projects, and Andy recommended I seek your advice. I would appreciate your insight and comments relative to the future of waterfront development work and potential opportunities in the industry.

I am currently Group Project Manager for Know Associates, a local real estate firm. Previously, I served as a senior operational manager with local and national development firms.

Would you be available for a brief meeting or conversation sometime in the next couple of weeks? I will call you early next week to see if we might schedule a short meeting at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely yours,

Joshua Dorrin