Course Site FAQ

I forgot my password. How do I reset it?

Follow the steps below to reset your password:

  1. Go to

  2. Click Forgot Password?

  3. Enter your Email

  4. Click Request Password

  5. Navigate to your email inbox and refresh until you receive an email from If it doesn’t appear, check your spam/junk folder

  6. Open the email and select Click Here to create a new password

How do I log in to Canvas after registering my account?

Before you can log in and start using Canvas, you'll need to create your password. You should have received an email from Click the link provided to set up your account password and complete your registration.

Note: If you did not receive an email from, check your spam folder. Otherwise, contact your program manager for help.

I know my current password. How do I change it?

Follow the steps below to reset your password in Canvas:

  1. In the main menu, click Account and select Settings from the drop-down menu

  2. Click the Edit Settings button on the right-hand side of the screen

  3. Select the Change Password checkbox to create a new password

  4. Type your old password in the Old Password field

  5. Type your new password in the New Password field

  6. Type your new password again in the Confirm Password field

  7. Click the Update Settings button to save your new password

I am getting an error stating, "Your Browser Does not Meet the Minimum Requirements for Canvas"

Canvas is currently not optimized for use with Internet Explorer. If you receive this message, try loading the Canvas application through Firefox or Chrome.

I tried registering as a "New User" but I get an error message saying, "E-Mail Already in Use."

Canvas likely already has your email address on file. If you’ve used Canvas in the past, click “I already have a Kellogg Executive Education Login” and use the email address and previously assigned password to enroll in this program If you have never used Canvas before please contact your program manager for support.

I want to share my login with my admin. Is this possible?

No. You are the only person who should access your account.

For more information, please consult the resources below:

Search the Canvas Guides : Find answers to common questions

Ask Kellogg Support : KIS Support Homepage

Canvas Support Line : 877.940.0467

Canvas Support Chat : Chat live with Canvas Support Staff

Ask the Community : Get help from Canvas Community experts

Submit a Feature Idea : Have an idea to improve Canvas?

Kellogg School of Management

James L. Allen Center
2169 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208